Sunday, May 20, 2012

Belfast City Bike Tour

We saw this as we walked out of the bus terminal towards our hotel (Days Hotel).
It set it home that we were in Belfast
Belfast City Hall

Getting ready for a Bike Tour of Belfast.  The Temperature was about 45F.
 It got warmer, but until it rained a bit.  It always rained, a bit.
I didn't know C.S. Lewis was from Belfast!
This plaque is in a square across from St Anne's (Belfast Cathedral, protestant) that's called Writer's Square. It's near the oldest and one time largest daily newspaper in Europe (I think). Writers would congregate there looking for work


Trinity College

Old Jameson Distillery

Liquid Gold!!! 


River Lagan

City Hall from Wellington St

Ciry Hall

(Prince) Albert Clock tower
St Anne's Cathedral

Lord Kelvin...burrr
The old Bank of Ireland building.
 Now the new Occupy Belfast Building

Donegall Place

Friday, May 18, 2012

Belfast May 10th

St. Anne's Catherdral

Victoria Square Observation Platform

Looking North West from Our Room

Victoria Square Shopping Plaza In the Rain
Titanic Belfast

Saturday, May 5, 2012

My other blog, JFPhoto didn't seem appropriate for flowers and landscapes.  This blog will be dedicate solely to that, flowers, landscapes, abstracts, anything not related to sports. 

I'd appreciate your comments, critiques, good things you like, and the things you don't.